What is camera ready art?
- Camera ready art is crisp, clear, color separated art in black and white format to AT LEAST the size of the item to be imprinted.
What does crisp mean?
- If you're sending us a paper copy, the information should be on a clear bright white paper output from a laser printer. ( 600 dots per inch (DPI) or greater). Sending business cards, stationery, napkins, or faxes of the artwork can at times be acceptable but will likely cause delays in the processing and delivery of your order.
What does clear mean?
- Ideally the art you provide should be about twice the size of how it will be used.
What kind of art can I email?
- There are many different applications that produce art but not all of them produce quality output. We prefer art in the following formats:*.cdr (Corel Draw) *.ai (Adobe Illustrator) and *.eps (Encapsulated Postscript Files)
What about JPEG, GIF or Publisher files?
- These file formats are low end image formats that do not lend themselves to professional results. A popular misconception is that if it looks good on your screen then it will look good in print. Not true. However, depending on the complexity of the logo we can use these formats as a reference to recreate your art or logo.
If I have art that is JPEG or GIF that I saved in Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator, will it work?
- Unfortunately it will not. If the starting image is low quality, that is where it will stay.
What platform are you on?
- We are PC based, but we have the ability to import some Mac files.
What do you charge to clean up or recreate artwork?
- We do not charge to design or "clean up" art, logos, etc. We provide these services for free to our customers (most of our competitors charge an hourly rate of $50.00). However, we do reserve the right to turn down artwork if the "clean up" is extensive.
If we have not answered all of your questions,
contact our art department at 800-234-7357 Ext. 201